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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Political Bio

I believe in government regulations to a certain extent. Of course the government is needed in order to mandate laws and keep order within society, but taking six to nine months in the legislative to reword a bill to suit every representative’s approval is a tad excessive in my mind. Needless to say, I believe in limited government. Also, I stand for free markets, traditional American values, and a strong national defense. So yes, I’m a conservative. My political influences aren’t so much ‘political leaders’, rather, they are my high school debate coach, Mrs. Lozano, and my old Macroeconomics teacher, Coach Ardis. Both of these adults are active in their political worlds (one being a liberal and the other a conservative) and have helped push me towards being politically aware. Because I’m 16 years old, I do not have the opportunity to vote; however, being Captain of my debate team, I’m constantly surrounded by current events and congressional debate. Primarily I am taking this course because I need a government credit in order to graduate early next May, but I also take interest in our government’s ability to operate. I hope to not only learn about our country’s foundation, but also to better understand ‘political-talk’ when competing in debate rounds upon completion of this course. (Being able to add my two-cents in when my mother and brother bicker about politics would be an added bonus as well). That current events quiz seemed so two-dimensional. The correct answer was always either ‘republican’ or ‘democratic’. The questions were easy enough as they were, but as the quiz becomes updated with even more recent questions, having only two options is going to become frustrating and just plain wrong. In today’s society there is more than just the average republican or democratic. There are multiple branches to each side and even branches with their own branches. Who’s to say you’re not a libertarian who supports the left? Or a conservative democrat? Our society is so diverse in its political view that choosing either ‘republican’ or ‘democratic’ is simply not going to cut it.

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