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Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Dream Act

The Dream Act is currently a popular topic concerning national politics due to its potential to legalize half of the U.S’ illegal immigrants. According to this piece of legislature, any illegal who has been in the U.S for 5 consecutive years, under 30, brought to the U.S before the age of 16, has no criminal record, and has obtained a high school education can become a legal citizen. On the Opinion page of the New York Times, an author discusses the various pros of this Act; however, what this author failed to realize is the message this Act will be sending to all countries- that it is okay to break the law and cross boarders without proper documentation. Although the author supports his argument of the Dream Act by stating that all children brought here illegally are “blameless for their illegal status and helpless to make it right”, there is still the chance for these children to become legal citizens and make a prospering life for themselves (just look at Elian Gonzalez). Of course it is not the child's fault that they were brought here illegally, but passing this Act and allowing these immigrants to become legal citizens will crush our economy and availability of jobs- not to mention our anchor baby levels will rise dramatically. The author of this article also argues that Congress is obligated to pass this Act and legalize as many illegal immigrants as possible. While I agree that our nation’s hegemony is strong and that “with great power comes great responsibility”, I simply do not agree with the inevitable White Man’s Burden that is being shoved down our country’s throat. It is not “our” job to legalize children of illegal immigrants who made the choice to have their children across borders, and it should definitely not be congress’ top concern. This author is anonymous, so there is no way of citing him/her or verifying his/her credibility; however, it is obvious that his/her intended audience was those of the less conservative side and more wiling to open the gates to America without proper criminal enforcement or documentation. Allowing this Dream Act into Congress will only breed economic hardships and degradation of the "American Dream" (it is not a "Dream" if anyone can have it).

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